Na jaren van hoe heet het euh toegeleefd hoe zeg je dat naar het moment dat wij euh de grote stap willen gaan nemen is het nu het moment daar 8 december, of 1 december vertrekt het gezelschap van Barcelona naar Mardrid naar Buenos Aires om Zuid Amerika met het. Dit lijken wel, wat is dit, wat is de bedoeling

Monday, June 26, 2006

The end my friend... with a snif and a tear!

This is probably the last communication on this weblog and it comes from Holland. With an unhappy feeling I have to say:"We're back!". Unhappy because it is premature and because the eye problem Henk was having is more than a problem. For everybody who does not know, he is now in a hospital in Holland, soon to go back home though, but his right eye will not function for a few months. The infection he got in Cartagena was far worse then we could ever have imagined. So on the 17th of June we got a plane back to Holland.

Well some last pictures from Cartagena. First of all things you see there quite easy. Like modern transportation methods and idyllic houses.

Next a happy Henk and Berend. Henk with his constant wink and myself already prepared for the cold Dutch weather with my jeans!

So this is it people, thanks for paying attention to our travels, we did it all for you. Especially the people that don't like travelling but do like far away countries! For people who wish to replenish our credit card accounts, send an email and we will give you further instructions where to leave the money, plata, moneda, dinero, cash, geld, knaken, dollars etc....

Cheerio people

Friday, June 02, 2006

Playa Blanca

Hola amigos, so a new update of what we´ve been up to. It is quite a lot. We set out to go to Colombia, heading from south to north. However, due to elections, the farmers in the south decided to block the road, to make some point... So we got stuck in beautiful Pasto, where there is nothing to do. This could take 15 days, so we decided to fly to Cartagena. Cartagena is situated at the Caribean and is very warm and as a bonus it is also very humid, but after a few weeks we got used to it.

Cartagena is an old town with a nice old centre, some pretty fortresses, but we prefered to go to the beach. So we did, planning for 4 days max. we ended up staying there for 7 days, very low budget.

The road to the beach was complicated, we went by bus, by canoe and by motor taxi. very nice, especially the boat for 16 eurocent..

Well what did we do on this beach. Mostly nothing, except swimming, snorkling, eating, sleaping, walking and sunbathing. So cool and a lot of nice sandy beach around with nice trees, donkeys and cows that scare you like hell in the middle of night.

Oh and of course, the beds.. we slept for 6 days in hammocks, never did it and the first night was not that comfortable, but later it was perfect. Sleeping is so nice in a hammock especially when it is warm and of course a musquito net!!!

At the moment plans changed a bit, because of medical problems. We are back in Cartagena, waiting for good news from the doctor. Henk has an eyeproblem and needs a lot of rest, no light etc. So that sucks.... big time.

Oh one last nice pictures to show you, is a picture of a sloth, just wandering through the park here in Cartagena. It took us so much trouble to take pictures of it in the jungle and now at 10 cm away I could see it, so cool!!

Last hint of information, we have a ticket back to Amsterdam, for the fourth of July!!!! So people start planning big surprise parties etc....