The fourth time
Alas my friends, again it happened and this time it is the most amazing one. What happend one might ask, well we have been robbed again!!! Again you might wonder, yes again, the fourth time as the titel says. Hmmm what happened. Well we were on a night bus and this time we were cramped (ik geloof dat dat zwaar opgesloten betekend) in between the seats. So we were confidend with the bags between our legs, solid not able to move ourselfs. Well the next morning we woke up, trying to get something to eat from our bags and discovered that my mp3 player was stolen, next we discovered that Henk´s bank card was stolen and then Henk checked his bag and discovered that they took some cd´s. Amazingly only South American music, because U2 and Aerosmith were still there, they had good taste apparently!!!
Okay now we are in Cuenca, Ecuador and tomorrow we go to Puerto Lopez, that is the idea. This is a good thing, because we can now go to the beach, some islands and a national park! Pictures will follow soon within a week we hope, and if not than just bother us with emails!!!!
Last thing, which is quite important we are back to the two man team. We had a great time with Birgit, but we had to leave her in Ayacucho where she is now working with street children. We had a great time with her, especially Henk ofcourse, but me too, what a wonderful woman. Birgit enjoy your time in Ayacucho and see you in Holland.
hey Berend en Henk! van je ma (berend) kreeg ik je blogadres; schitterend om jullie verslag te zien! ik heb idd vooral foto's gekeken, het lezen van het verslag doe ik in termijnen. vroeg me reeds af of je de spellingcontrole er wel op hebt gezet ;-) ahum...
maar, wat een ellende met al die robberies. als het werelddeel niet zoveel schoonheid ter compensatie bood, zou je toch wegrennen? de ultieme manier je spullen veilig te stellen moet nog worden bedacht zeker, anders had je die al lang toegepast.
anyhow... wens jullie veel plezier en veilige voortzetting!
ciao en ggg = groet geertruida 's gravenmoer
1:50 pm
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