Great time in Quito!
After our relaxing period to rethink and recover our trip and bodies we thought it`s time again to go back to civilization... Therefore we used Quito and two lovely ladies. Although our characters were absolutely, totally, utterly completely different we still managed to spend two fantastic days togheter! Maybe this was also because of the present of the large amount of Rum-Coke we got from the hostalowner Pierre... Headache and a strange feeling in the stomage is the result but we still managed to shoot some nice pictures of the things we`ve seen in the city!

Making a trip through South America, we believe integration is a very important thing! Berend is here trying to shoot a bear... For me it`s just cold in Quito what it`s unbelieveble after the sunburning time in Puerto Lopez!

Oh by the way, as you all may know, we are now very close to the Equator (evenaar voor de hollanders) and although we don`t understand why just here is the monument (because it`s a line) we had to go there and make really touristic photos... The egg is because our guide showed us the experiment that only on the Equator it`s possible to put an egg on a nail (cause of the gravity). He was trying for a very long time and Berend managed to piss off the guy to put the egg in five seconds on the nail haha, sorry guide!