Viva el vino tinto!
Hi everbody,
After all the sparclin´ nature, we thought is time for some culture! As mentioned we did a small tour from El Calafate to Mendoza via Rio Gallegos. (just for fun look at a map of South America and find out that this is completely irrational...). So after 47 hours and a bottle of Teachers we arrived in the hart of Vino Argentina! And for those who still think wine grows in a bottle...

Oh by the way, Mendoza is a perfect spot to chill out and enjoy the weather and people!! And there is a park that is truly amazingly nice.

So after 4 days we believed wine and girls are not everything, we went to Chili´s capital. The trip was amazing (especially the borderchecks, pffff!) right through the Andes what brought some beautiful views!

Now after spending some days in Santiago de Chili we can say this city is actually quite nice and cosy! It doesn´t feel that you´re living in a big city, but it has got all the facilities of one and that we like a lot! Even some big mountains right in the city that had to be explored... So if you look carefully to the middle building with the reflection, you might see Henk and me standing on top of the mountain!!! SO LOOK PEOPLE LOOK.

Furthermore, spending some time with Chilian students the city gave us a warm welcome! Although the prices are doubled comparing with the argentina ones we had to eat pollo all the time with the famous chillian beer, Escudo (1 litre costs everywhere 1000 peso, which is about US 2,-). And to make it save back home, the local dogs are the perfect boddyguards!

verdraaid! Jullie zijn nog echt te zien in die reflectie ook!!!!
11:42 am
was nice to read this part!!.. is kinda funny to hear about the place you lived by the words of someone how doesnt "belong" here... so nice.. what u said... and hey! escudo is not 1000 EVERYwhere!...
well.. just say again.. was nice meeting you.. show you some mountains!..a little bit closer... and well just hope you still have a very nice trip... wherever your legs walk you now...
take care! a huge hug for both of you... hope to see you again...(actually see you...)
10:40 pm
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