Ola chicos y chicas
Again news from the front. Yep we really try to keep you updated of our plans. So the upcoming plans.. they are starting to evolve as we go along. Tomorrow the 15th we take a very luxurious bus to Foz de Iguazu. These are the waterfalls that are world famous... so when you are in South America, go there. We stay there for a day or maybe two, because as far as we know there is nothing else to do there. After that we take again a bus (still have to book it) to either Porto Alegre or Rio Grande. If you read this and know a reason why we should go to one of them and not the other let us know. We will continue south to Montevideo, sort of a competition with a specific person in Holland who we have to beat by visiting more capitals in the world (we will win). And finally we are back in Buenos Aires for Christmas and New Year, same hostel.
Something about Argentinian people. We were amazed about the fact that in a regular store in the most important shopping street in BA there are more people working than shopping in a store. For instance an electronical store had about 7 to 9 persons waiting outside the store to take you by the hand and show you their shop. Which also was filled with sales people. And even though the store was crowded, I bet you there were more sales people than actual costumers.

The picture with the colourfull houses is taken in the Caminito, a very colourfull street in Buenos Aires. In this place the have also a lot of Tango dancers on the street, which on occasion ask you to dance. Hmmm

This is Henk with his hairdresser. I think in Holland a lot of people are now cheering and some are crying that Henk lost his hair. Nevertheless it was great, the guy was a little bit out of balance (hij liep zo scheef als een deurkruk) but was doing his very best to make it a perfect treat for Henk. And I did not see or hear Henk crying, mission accomplished.

So what do we do all day, this pictures shows what we do. IsnĀ“t that what a holiday is about?
En dan nu voor de mensen die er geen snars van begrijpen omdat het in het engels is. Wij snappen het ook niet hoor die rare taal hier. Continue vrouwen die zeggen dat ze besos willen geven, tja wat doe je dan als hollandse man......
Dag mannen,
het klinkt allemaal erg leuk! Ik hou de site in de gaten... Veel plezier verder, disfruta!
Chao, Suzanne
10:11 am
Mmmm een lekkere beso is nooit te versmaden natuurlijk... vooral van exotische dames...
Mijn tip: Porto Alegre, een vrolijke haven is nooit verkeerd!
5:19 pm
Hahaha, moest wel ff opzoeken wat besos waren, maar dat klinkt prima!
6:13 pm
Eindelijk een keer een fatsoenlijk uitziende Henk! Beer, 1000 maal dank!
Je merkt het meteen als Birgit er even niet is. ;-)Ik heb twee jaar lang geprobeerd lopen praten als brugman, vergeefse moeite! en twee weken in BA: zie hier! Heren veel plezier en tot later!
1:08 pm
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