El start!

Buenos dias all!
As you can see is our spanish not completly in tiptop shape but we are trying and we must say it´s improving day by day!
The first days when we were staying in Tarragona with Felix, we´re filled with culture and a lot of boose... The surrounding here is absolutely superb and the people are really friendly and hospitable! For instance did you know that Tarragona was the first city after Rome of importance of the Roman empire. So we have notice, there is so much to see here from a culturale perspective that it is increadibly amazingly fantastico for two Dutch guys who think that windmills and tulips is culture.
For people that worry about our health, rest assure, there are no dangerous animals in Spain. Dus mensen we zijn nog gezond en alles is prima.
And a good tip for everybody that likes to go abroad, try to make friends there in advance people. It makes staying somewhere and seeying things somewhere so much easier. So Sara, you will see us in June!!
Hahaha, looks great! But for some reason I think these pictures could do with a bit more explanation ;)
2:08 am
Leuk webblogje.
Jan Evert
9:35 pm
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