Na jaren van hoe heet het euh toegeleefd hoe zeg je dat naar het moment dat wij euh de grote stap willen gaan nemen is het nu het moment daar 8 december, of 1 december vertrekt het gezelschap van Barcelona naar Mardrid naar Buenos Aires om Zuid Amerika met het. Dit lijken wel, wat is dit, wat is de bedoeling

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Time schedule

Hi everybody... a short update. The first month of the trip is planned. At 2 December we leave from Eindhoven Airport to Barcelona Girona. We will stay with a friend in Tarragona (for anyone interested in this adress, contact me ;-)). We continue the trip on the 7th of December, when we fly to Madrid, from where we will fly to Buenos Aires on the 8th of December. And here we stay untill roughly the 2nd or 3th of January 2006. Any suggestions or tips to do here you can leave as a comment, we do appreciate everything you people do for us, since you will be at home, working and complaining about the wheather!!!!


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