Na jaren van hoe heet het euh toegeleefd hoe zeg je dat naar het moment dat wij euh de grote stap willen gaan nemen is het nu het moment daar 8 december, of 1 december vertrekt het gezelschap van Barcelona naar Mardrid naar Buenos Aires om Zuid Amerika met het. Dit lijken wel, wat is dit, wat is de bedoeling

Friday, March 24, 2006

Passports stolen.... as in again robbed

So since we are updating the world of our travels.... Here the lesser update. We were leaving Huaraz to go to Lima and at the busterminal it happened. It is such a shitty happening everytime and again for Henk it is worse. His bag got stolen, with his personal things and our passports. Yes, we know it is not smart to keep three passports in one bag. We know we know!!!

So we went to Lima to the consulate and there we were helped perfectly. One thing about the Dutch, they are efficient. In just one or two weeks, she told us, we can have our passports back. They will even send them to Arequipa or Cusco if we want it. So 47 euro´s lighter we are waiting for the passports... and so the story ends!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha 3 paspoorten in 1 tas bewaren is niet slim. Maar om hier nu uitgerekend ook nog de tas van Henk voor te gebruiken, dat is gewoon dom.



10:00 pm


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